Action(s) for European Mentoring

Action(s) for European Mentoring

See a selection of mentees success and togehter with mentor in exhibitions / events / panel discussions:

2024 … more to come…

2022: ‘DESIGN GOALS – the DeSIGNerinnen statements for textile sustainability’
at tim – Textil Industrie Museum – at Augsburg, Germany

-opening at 6 of May 2022 – maker spaces at 7/8 of May 2022,  the finissage at 24th of September 2022.

see the exposé of the designer:

Exposé_Design Goals

Melissa Grustat: Master-Thesis, 2021

Franziska Poddig, Master-Thesis, 2021

The (im)perfection of chance as design potential

Katharina Grobheiser, Master-Thesis, 2021

Elise Esser, Master-Thesis 2020, Organic Shades
German ‘Materialpreis von Raumprobe 2020’, Stuttgart 2022

Theresa Scholl, Thesis: „textile sense of Light”, 2018

Gesa Balbig, 2021 togehter with Wachs, Scholl, Grobheiser: at EEE Conference 2021 in Dresden to the topic: “Textile Engineering of the future”

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