Gesa, Yani and Alberte, thank you so much, for the common paper that was discussed together at DGTF Conference 2024 at Lucern. The topic of the Conference 2024: “Hazarding Design” was the backround for our presentation, elaborated together by 4 experts of design engineers with focus on texile designing with AI:
Gesa Balbig as freelance and design lead at BYBORRE, NL, Yani Chuang as freelance and working as knittwear expert at Tilburg Museum, NL and Alberte Holmø-Bojesen as Textile Designer from DK, all three exposed and discussed together with Marina-Elena Wachs their experiences in co-designing with AI: The report was given at Lucern School of Design at 27 at April 2025 with the title: “How can we shape the impact of design practices and education in the context of human AI collaboration, considering issues of control and risk?”
Thank you Gesa presenting together with Marina! We would like to call for greater funding for this important cross cultural and cross generational desgin engineering research, that would have been given all the young experts, the financial support to come to the place of conferece, this year Lucern School of Design at Switzerland.
and see you next at Birmingham EPDE Conference 2024 in September!, for the next dicussion about the benefit by cross cultural and cross medial designing in the future – Rise the machines and the human factor that makes the difference;)